These towns, becoming like dem ghost towns

I’ve got a draft blog post sitting here, which I may still post post-India, but which I no longer feel appropriate to post right now.

I was going to talk about the exhausting, invasive and (as I was arguing) justifiably money-hungry nature of India’s cities. However, I’ve now struck out further west into Rajasthan, and as I go I find – even if only inch by inch – less and less to complain about; less and less which stirs up my anxiety.

The algorithm is simple: the smaller the town, the friendlier the people, the more relaxed your surroundings. Continue reading “These towns, becoming like dem ghost towns”

Making pals and eating Daals

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking:

This guy’s setting the bar pretty damn high with these post titles. How’s he going to keep this up?

What can I say? I’m sort of a creative wünderkind.

This post, as you’ll can tell, is about my two favourite things about India (so far) – the people and the food.

There are few cities as big and bustling and diverse as Mumbai in which you can feel genuinely safe. At first I found the relentlessness of the staring and the chatting somewhat alien and invasive. But then I met Aditya. Continue reading “Making pals and eating Daals”

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